Family Therapy
Managing the responsibilities of every day life is hard and when you add on additional stressors like the loss of a loved one, switching jobs, separation or divorce, or just navigating through your kid's challenging behaviors families can really lose their way.
An unbalanced family may have a tendency to turn conversations into arguments or put walls up so high that they become disconnected from one another. Parent-child conflicts may happen more often or even arguments between parents. You may find yourself worrying about the stress at home while you are at work or your teen may avoid spending time with you. These challenges are signs that family therapy may help restore balance at home.
Family therapy can benefit kids and teens by helping them...​​
Learn to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs to their parents
Adjust to separation, divorce, or other family transitions
Resolve conflicts with their parents more effectively
Gain independence and trust at home
Enjoy time with their family
Increase opportunity for positive interactions at home
Family therapy can help your family learn to communicate to one another in a way that conveys respect and concern as opposed to anger or hurt. Families will work through problems together and come up with ways to manage future conflicts in a healthier way. Through open communication, active listening, teamwork, and support your family can begin to improve trust within the household. Sessions will also help parents understand and support their child's needs. Parents will learn ways to encourage independence while instilling family values and providing guidance and love.
Family therapy can benefit parents by helping you...​
Better manage your emotions and become a more mindful parent
Enjoy time spent with your family
Spend less time engaging in power struggles your teen
Discover your triggers and understand why you typically react the way that you do
Get a clearer understanding of how your upbringing impacts you today and your parenting style
Learn to foster independence and problem-solving skills in your child
Learn to co-parent more effectively during separation and divorce